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Historical Market Price Information

Click on the Grade name To View and Purchase Historical Price Data.
Byproducts & Sidestreams
    RDF Refuse Derived Fuel
    BLF (No.1 Bulk Light Fraction)
    TDF Tire Derived Fuel
    ASR Auto Shredder Residue
    HBHW High BTU HydroCarbon Waste
    CCP Compressed Carpet Pellets
    UMO Used Motor Oil
    HWF Hogged Wood Fuel
    BDF Biosolids Derived Fuel
    UVO Used Vegetable Oil
    Waste Cellulose

Scrap Prices

Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Historical Market Price Reports are available for purchase by specific grade of material.

The Historical Price Reports will include a chart for the month(s) detailed daily spot market price, as well as monthly, quarterly and annual graphs (where applicable). The reports, once purchased, can be view online at any time.

Historical Market Price Reports are separate for LTL (Less than Truck Load) and TL (Truck Load) quantities.

Example of Historic Price : Charts & Graphs

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