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Historical Market Price Information

Click on the Category name below to view the Grades available.
Scrap Metal Recycling
    Aluminium Scrap Recycling (Al)
    Battery Recycling (Lead/Acid)
    Battery Recycling (Nickel Content)
    Electronic Battery Scrap
    Brass & Bronze Scrap Recycling
    Copper Scrap Recycling (Cu)
    Gold Recycling (Au)
    Lead Scrap Recycling (Pb)
    Magnesium Scrap Recycling (Mg)
    Catalytic Converters Scrap
    Stainless Steel Alloy Scrap (Ni,Cr,Co,Mo)
    Steel & Iron Scrap Recycling (Fe)
    Ship Breaking and Railroad Scrap
    Tin Scrap Recycling (Sn)
    Zinc Scrap Recycling (Zn)
Scrap Prices

Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Historical Market Price Reports are available for purchase by specific grade of material.

The Historical Price Reports will include a chart for the month(s) detailed daily spot market price, as well as monthly, quarterly and annual graphs (where applicable). The reports, once purchased, can be view online at any time.

Historical Market Price Reports are separate for LTL (Less than Truck Load) and TL (Truck Load) quantities.

Example of Historic Price :

Charts & Graphs

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